information on the VSGA VIP Golf Card
Program, championship entry forms,
score posting and more.
The VSGA also produces the Clubhouse
newsletter, which is emailed weekly to
members (semi-weekly from Novem-
ber-January.) Visit to sign up
for the mailing list and receive exclusive
offers and the latest news from the VSGA.
All VSGA members with an active VSGA/
USGA Handicap Index, along with VIP
cardholders, will receive a compli-
mentary one-year subscription to Golf
Digest magazine.
The official app of the VSGA, which can
be downloaded for free in the Apple
Store or at Google Play, features dynamic
updates of the latest VSGA VIP Golf Card
offers, along with the ability for members
to post scores, find directions to VSGA
member clubs and read the latest issue
of Virginia Golfer magazine.
By purchasing a VSGA VIP Golf Card
(read more on the program on pages
30-38 of this planning guide), you help
fund the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foun-
dation. Scholarships are awarded to col-
lege-bound high school seniors with an
interest in golf.
Since 1984, the VSGA-VIP Scholarship
Foundation has awarded $2.2 million
to 950 students. In 2017, grants ranged
from $2,000 to $7,000. The VIP Golf
Tee it up at a fun
VSGA One-Day
event in 2018.
The VSGA VIP Golf Card Program helps fund the VSGA-VIP Scholarship Foundation, which awards scholarships
to college-bound high school seniors with an interest in golf.
Card also benefits some of the Com-
monwealth’s top agronomy students
conducting turfgrass research at Virginia
Tech, a great example of how the VSGA is
working to improve amateur golf at the
“grass roots” level.
Additional donations to the VSGA-
VIP Scholarship Foundation are gladly
accepted. Individuals or entities inter-
ested in establishing a named scholarship
may contact the VSGA VIP department at
(804) 378-2300. VSGA COURSE RATING AND
The VSGA is licensed by the United States
Golf Association to conduct USGA course
and slope ratings in Virginia. A service
offered free to VSGA member clubs, vol-
unteer teams routinely visit and evalu-
ate courses in accordance with the USGA
system. Sprinkler head measurement is
provided for a nominal fee. If a club is inter-
ested in yardage markers, please contact
the VSGA.
The VSGA Junior Golf Circuit, for players
ages 5–18, provides juniors with more
competitive opportunities, a junior play-
er rankings system and two end-of-the-
year Circuit Champion-
ships (nine- and 18-hole
The $45 optional mem-
bership fee includes access
into all VSGA events;
access into all nine-hole,
18-hole, and 36-hole
Junior Golf Circuit tour-
naments at a discounted
rate; an official VSGA/
USGA Handicap Index;
Virginia Golfer magazine,
an exclusive Junior Golf
Circuit member gift and
a 2018 VSGA Junior Golf
Circuit bag tag. VOLUNTEERISM
Individuals interested in giving back to the
game have opportunities to volunteer as
an official at VSGA championships, se rve
as a course rater or assist with the VSGA
Junior Golf Circuit. Additional informa-
tion and a volunteer application is avail-
able by contacting the VSGA.
The VSGA conducts the Virginia Intercol-
legiate Championship for NCAA Division
II and III institutions. Additionally, VSGA
staff and volunteers assist with the Vir-
ginia High School League championships.
Any VSGA member or VIP cardholder
scoring a hole-in-one may receive a cer-
tificate and engraved bag tag to commem-
orate the feat. Applications are available
from member clubs and
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