About Our Services
What is the VSGA ?
Since 1904 , the VSGA , a 501 ( c )( 4 ) organization , has been dedicated to providing golfers with a full range of services for the good of the game in Virginia . Today , the VSGA is comprised of more than 325 member clubs and 70,000 members , including VIP cardholders , and is committed to offering value and access to courses throughout the Commonwealth .
The VSGA ’ s core functions include the administration of the following programs : men ’ s , women ’ s and junior championships ; One-Day events ; Rules of Golf ; USGA Handicap System ; USGA Course Rating System ; Virginia Golfer magazine ; and the VIP Golf Card , among its other services .
Select a membership that suits your game !
1 . JOIN A VSGA MEMBER CLUB . There are nearly 300 golf courses scattered throughout the commonwealth , including private , semiprivate , public , military and resort courses . In 2017 , the VSGA introduced the ability to join select member clubs through its online join / renew program . Registration for 2018 is open now . For more information , visit vsga . org / membership .
2 . JOIN A VSGA ONLINE ECLUB . There are VSGA eClub hubs spread throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia . A Supporter level VSGA VIP Golf Card is included with eClub membership , as is a Handicap Index and all other benefits .
The Junior Golf Circuit offers increased competitive opportunities for those ages 5-18 .
3 . JOIN THE VSGA JUNIOR GOLF CIRCUIT ( AGES 5 – 18 ). The purpose of the Junior Golf Circuit is to provide juniors with more competitive opportunities , a junior player rankings system and an end of the year Circuit Championship . Please check vsga . org for membership registration and a list of events for 2018 .
4 . FORM A VSGA REC- REATIONAL GOLFERS ’ CLUB . Form your own club
( minimum 10 members ) with friends or associates from your office , church , synagogue , high school , college or fraternal organization . Any group of at least 10 golfers can form their own club .
What follows is a sampling of the benefits of VSGA membership . For a full listing , please visit vsga . org / benefits-of-membership
VSGA / USGA HANDICAP INDEX The purpose of the USGA Handicap System is to make the game of golf more enjoyable by enabling golfers of different abilities the chance to compete on an equal basis . The VSGA uses GHIN , a service of the USGA , to provide handicap services to its members and member clubs . Please note that Virginia observes a yearround posting season . Thus , a Handicap Index will be revised on the first and 15th of each month throughout the year .
CHAMPIONSHIPS The VSGA is responsible for many men ’ s , women ’ s and junior amateur championships . There is a full schedule of competitions for all ages , as well as annual team-match events with neighboring associations in West Virginia , the Carolinas and Maryland .
ONE-DAY PROGRAM There are more than 90 VSGA One-Day events ( net and gross prizes ) scheduled for 2018 , allowing golfers the opportunity to play some of the best private and daily-fee layouts in Virginia .
VSGA One-Day events are fun filled and consist of 18 holes of individual stroke play , as well as two-person ( four-ball ) events , for those with a full VSGA / USGA Handicap Index . Individual events are flighted by age , while two-person ( four-ball ) events are flighted by a team ’ s combined Handicap Index .
Entry fees for several One-Day events are $ 49 , while all other One-Day events are $ 59 for VSGA members . Each entry fee covers the green fee , cart fee and prizes . Players signing up online for VSGA One-Day events may sign up individually or in groups of two , three or four . ›› The 2018 VSGA One-Day Kickoff event will be held Tuesday , Jan . 30 , at Augustine Golf Club in Stafford . The full 2018 One- Day schedule will be released that day . For updated One-Day information , visit vsga . org / one-day-events .
PUBLICATIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS Published six times a year , Virginia Golfer magazine is the VSGA ’ s official publication . It is also available for viewing online . The VSGA also produces the VSGA Member Club Directory . Be sure to check VSGA . org throughout the competition season for recaps and photos from VSGA championships and events . VSGA . org also offers event registration , an interactive club directory , links to photos from championships and events ,
12 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2018 vsga . org