Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2016 | Page 6

Contents JA N/FEB 2016 AROUND THE COMMONWEALTH  Keith Decker and Jon Hurst win 6 Championship Roundup 6 the inaugural VSGA Four-Ball Match Play Championship. 7 Evolving System Key changes to the USGA Handicap system went into effect on January 1. DEPARTMENTS MEMBER CLUBS 8 The Century Club Danville Golf Club and Princess Anne CC turn 100 in 2016. The Woodlands in Hampton honors 100 years of golf on its property. THE RULES 10 Major Changes A ban on anchoring is among the new Rules in place for 2016. GREAT HOLES 12 No. 3 at River Bend Golf & Country Club A short par 3 with a challenging bite. EQUIPMENT 38 New for 2016  Several new irons, hybrids and drivers can help improve your game in the new year. MY TURN 40 Going Strong 4 V IRGINIA G OLFER | J ANUARY/F EBRUARY 2016 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2016 2016 VIP GOLF CARD BROCHURE INSIDE! $2.95 DANVILLE GOLF CLUB 8 The Signature at West Neck’s Jim Hughes is one of the nation’s oldest full-time golf pros. Official publication of the Virginia State Golf Association as a service to its more than 72,000 members and VIP cardholders Lining Up a Great 2016 Play More FOR LESS WITH THE VSGA VIP GOLF CARD Play Better BEST NEW EQUIPMENT Play Smarter RULES OF GOLF CHANGES THAT AFFECT YOUR GAME CELEBRATE Retiring Virginia Tech football coach and avid golfer Frank Beamer The 100th anniversary of VSGA member clubs The 2015 VSGA Golfers of the Year ON THE COVER: Illustration by Michael Jacobsen