Virginia Golfer Jan / Feb 2016 | Page 5

Contents JA N/FEB 2016 FEATURES 24 26 30 Gib Palmer looks back on his two years as VSGA president; Bruce Matson looks forward to his tenure. Retiring Virginia Tech football coach and VSGA member Frank Beamer plans to turn some of his energy to the golf course. Middleburg’s Peter Walsh adapts his golf game after severe injuries sustained in a horse-riding accident. Presidents’ Corner Competitive Spirit After the Fall 34 National Pride PHOTO COURTESY OF AUBURN UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS Myrtle Beach is a fine destination for VSGA members looking to escape the cold of winter. 14 Best of the Best The VSGA celebrates its 2015 golfers of the year, including top junior Mark Lawrence Jr. Also, check out the VSGA Championship and Qualifier schedule for 2016. J ANUARY/F EBRUARY 2016 | V IRGINIA G OLFER 3