Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 33

In Memoriam The Rev. R. Martin Caldwell Jr., a retired priest of the Diocese of Virginia, died on Sunday, May 26, in Durham, N.C. Mr. Caldwell was ordained in 1952 and served as rector of St. James’s, Richmond from 1979 to 1981, in addition to positions in North Carolina, Texas and New Jersey during his active ministry. He is survived by his wife, Ki, and two children. The Rev. Holt M. Jenkins, a retired priest of the Diocese of Virginia, died on Tuesday, May 21. Mr. Jenkins was ordained in 1950 and served parishes in Maryland and Virginia. In Virginia, his ministry included involvement in the founding of St. James’, Mt. Vernon, and serving as assistant rector at St. Paul’s, Alexandria, vicar-in-charge at Christ Church, Lucketts, and assistant at St. James’, Leesburg. He is survived by three children and six grandchildren. The Rev. George H. “Jack” Woodard Jr., a retired priest of the Diocese of Virginia, died on Saturday March 16, 2013. Mr. Woodard’s ministry included service in the Dioceses of Texas, New York and Washington before he joined the Diocese of Virginia as rector of Meade Memorial Church in Alexandria. He served there from 1986 until his retirement in 1991. He is survived by his wife, Lucilia, and four children. Clergy Transitions The Rev. J. Randolph “Randy” Alexander, currently serving as rector of Christ Church, Pelham, N.Y., has been called as rector of Immanuel Church-on-the-Hill, Alexandria. He will begin at Immanuel on Aug. 25. The Rev. Susan L. Daughtry is relocating to Minnesota at the end of this summer to accompany her husband as he enters graduate school. She has been serving as associate rector at St. Thomas’, Richmond, and as chaplain to the Shrine Mont Camp staff in 2012 and 2013. The Rev. Elizabeth Gardner, transitional deacon from the Diocese of Washington, has been called as associate rector at St. John’s, McLean. The Rev. Louise Lusignan retired from St. John’s, McLean, on June 30. She served as associate rector for 12 years. Margaret Peel, a recent graduate of Virginia Theological Seminary, has been called as assistant rector at St. Matthew’s, Sterling. The Rev. Mary C. Sulerud, currently interim rector at Immanuel Churchon-the-Hill in Alexandria, will serve as interim rector at St. Thomas’, Richmond, beginning June 9. The Rev. Jackie Thomson retired from St. Anne’s, Reston, on June 30 after serving as associate rector for 13 years. The Rev. Corry Weierbach will serve as interim rector of All Saints’, Sharon Chapel, in Alexandria beginning Sept. 1. The Rev. Hal White is serving as a part-time interim at St. Mary’s, Fleeton. Searching for the right place to retreat? Come to Roslyn. We offer gracious service in a relaxed, peaceful environment conductive to prayer. Roslyn offers over 7,900 square feet of quiet, peaceful meeting space overlooking the James River valley. We have spacious overnight lodging available with private baths and daily housekeeping services. Our dining facility has full time chefs and can accommodate up to 150 guests. Our scenic grounds along side the historic Kanawha Canal provide a calming place for friends to gather. If you need a relaxed, more productive atmosphere to conduct your next meeting or retreat, call our conference coordinator at 800.477.6296, or log on to our website at A Retreat Center of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia 8727 River Road •Richmond, Va 23229 The Rev. Dr. Norman Whitmire, interim assistant at St. Peter’s in the Woods, Fairfax Station, has been called as rector of All Saints Church, Woodhaven (Queens), N.Y., in the Diocese of Long Island. He will begin his ministry there in July. The Rev. Anne Lane Witt has been appointed as priest-in-charge at Immanuel, Old Church, in Mechanicsville. She began on June 16, 2013. She served as assistant rector at Grace, Kilmarnock, since 2010. diocesan Events For a list of church events, visit July 5-7: Bishop’s Jubilee Weekend, Shrine Mont September 9-10: Fresh Start Retreat, Shrine Mont September 17: Youth Leader Connections, Fredericksburg, Church TBD September 19: Youth Leader Connections, Charlottesville, Church TBD Summer