Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 21
Pat Hardy
A Journey of Love: Shrine Mont
Broken only by the fading songs of nature
I am awakened by the stillness of the morning;
An urging to relinquish the warmth of my bed
And venture into the mist of a new day, yet dawning.
Beginning the ascent to the Stations of the Cross,
A sullen heaviness seems to form within;
As in quiet reflection of the sacrifice of Christ,
That He suffered and died to save us from our sin.
I endeavor upon my pre-dawn venture
In search of quenching an early morning thirst;
Traversing the road, albeit realizing too late,
I have awakened prematurely and thereby risen first.
Galled and spat upon, while ridiculed with hate,
He was crucified, His flesh nailed to wood;
His mother’s heart impaled with unrelenting pain,
With grief stricken tears, totally helpless, Mary stood.
I drift and amble upon the paths of the mountain,
Unsure as to what my direction should be;
Being drawn to the presence of a shrine of stone,
An inner sense of peace settles calmly over me.
Reaching the final station, I kneel at the Cross,
Slowly filled with a calming peace and love;
As warm tears of joy gently stream down my face,
I know there’s no greater love, than Our Father’s above.
Debbie Gegenheimer
Debbie Gegenheimer of St. James’,
Leesburg, shares her photo, “New
Life Begins Because of the Cross.”
Summer 2013 / Virginia Episcopalian