Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Summer 2013 Issue | Page 20

Arts continued from page 17 Scenes at Shrine Mont and nearby towns often provide inspiration for the paintings. Bragg said some artists work on capturing a sense of place with the rockers, the light on the white buildings, or bits and pieces of things in the attic – stacked up and dusty. Several other artists, including international artist Jack Ihrie, also host art workshops at Shrine Mont. “It’s absolutely beautifully situated, restful, blissful and peaceful,” Ihrie said. In addition to the painting workshops offered by independent artists, Shrine Mont sponsors Painting Creation, a five-day summer workshop where participants paint outdoors, “en plein air.” Shrine Mont also sponsors photography, writing and floral design workshops. See the sidebar list of programs for more information or visit t Art Programs for Adults Please visit for more details and costs. The Journey Within, a Writing Retreat (June 28-30) Write to a variety of creative prompts and activities during a relaxing weekend offered once a year. Share your responses, if you wish, with other participants in a safe and supportive environment. Time for personal journaling, which can be a powerful teacher and friend, will also be available. Instructor Lisa Crawford is a teacher and writer who holds degrees in English and education, and has led retreats, workshops and classes in writing.  Painting Creation (July 14-19) Instruc Y