Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Fall 2013 Issue | Page 15

From Palestine to Ashland Emily Cherry When St. James the Less, Ashland, recently hosted a group of students from Palestine, the focus was on relationshipbuilding, not politics. A group of teens and young adults from St. Phillip Episcopal Church in Palestine spent their time in Virginia in outreach and fellowship through a program called the Tri-Cities Work Camp. Members of St. James the Less have participated in the Tri-Cities Work Camp for about 20 years. Each summer, a delegation of teens heads to Petersburg, where they partner with other youth and adults to repair local homes. In 2012, Grace Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Va., hosted the Rev. Ibrahim Nairouz, rector of St. Phillip, and the Palestinian youth as participants in the experience. This year, the Tri-Cities Work Camp invited St. James the Less to host the group, which included youth from several different Christian denominations. With some financial support from the Diocese of Virginia, St. James the Less hosted the group from the Diocese of Jerusalem, with coordination from Jane Jones of St. James the Less. Members of the congregation described the experience in their parish newsletter: “Their mission at home in Palestine – teaching the life and the ways of Jesus Christ – was seen by many during their time here with our parish, and was evident in their work in Petersburg.” Virginia has Members of St. James the Less, Ashland, hosted a group of been building and teens and young adults from St. Phillip Episcopal Church in strengthening ties Palestine as part of their involvement in the Tri-Cities Work with the Diocese of Camp program. Jerusalem increasingly in recent years. groups from the Diocese have made The Diocese of Jerusalem is one that pilgrimages to the Diocese of Jerusalem, includes Israel, Palestine, Syria, Jordan and the diocesan Middle East Ministry and Lebanon. And although their Team works to increase awareness and numbers total only 7,000, their impact promote compassionate involvement in on the community – through schools, the area. hospitals, clinics and vocational training This partnership between St. James centers – is truly great. In December the Less, Ashland, and St. Phillip, Palestine, 2012, the Rt. Rev. Suheil Dawani, bishop “is a tangible expression of the deepening of Jerusalem, made a visit to Richmond relationship between our two dioceses,” and Alexandria, where he visi ѕ