Virginia Episcopalian Magazine Fall 2013 Issue | Page 14

Scenes of Summer A glimpse of the fun and fellowship of the 2013 summer camp season at Shrine Mont. Photo: Phil Woodson Service and outreach are the highlight of the Senior High Youth Camp experience. Photo: Alex Palin A member of the Explorers’ Camp gets up-close-and-personal with nature. Photo: Alex Palin Members of the Explorers’ Camp focused on sustainability when they built rain collection barrels this summer. Camps continued from page 11 I have another 11-year-old, too.” That summer, LaRoy went back to camp, and brought his foster brother, Robert. I will never forget picking up those jubilant kids, Sophie, LaRoy and Robert, at the end of the session. High on the love of camp and the Spirit, they babbled on with happy stories on the way home. As we approached Richmond, though, I noticed that LaRoy was suddenly quiet. He almost seemed ill. I asked him what was wrong, and his response was heartbreaking: “You know how some kids at camp get homesick?” he asked. “I feel campsick.” The reality of his life in this new foster home was flooding back. I promised him that no matter what, he could go back to camp next year. He was skeptical. “But I might not be here then,” he said. “I move around a lot.” I reminded him that he had moved since the last time I saw him, and that I had found him. He considered that for a moment. “OK,” he said. From that afternoon, we committed to being a constant in LaRoy’s life. When the foster system decided later that year to move him out of town, we jumped in with both feet and decided to adopt. He moved in with us permanently the following summer, July 2007, the day before he and Sophie headed back to St. George’s, Session III. While he no longer needed a scholarship to go to camp, thanks to the gifts of generous Episcopalians who gave to the scholarship fund, Robert, still in foster care, was able to join Sophie and LaRoy every year until they all “graduated” at 15. The scholarships that LaRoy received as a 10- and 12 Virginia Episcopalian / Fall 2013 Janet Peyton and Chris Francoise join their son, LaRoy, upon his high school graduation. 11-year-old connected him to a family and a community that would change the trajectory of his life forever. On behalf of my son LaRoy, and all of the kids like him who have been forever changed by their experiences at Shrine Mont, thank you for donating generously to camp scholarships. Janet Peyton and her husband, Chris Francoise, are members of St. James’s, Richmond. Janet serves as vice president of the Shrine Mont Board. LaRoy is now a freshman at Radford University. Camps continued on page 13