Ville Magazine l Insider Access for City Lifestyle Mar/Apr 2016 / People Issue | Page 17

Is there anywhere you can recommend for whiskey flights? BM: Radiator Whiskey has a good local flight. JB: First you should determine what kind of whiskey you are looking for…having a basic outline and then finding a staff that can cater to that. Liberty is great at that. THE SUITE EXPERIENCE W I T H U N PA R A L L E L E D S T Y L E A N D S O P H I S T I C AT I O N S U I T E R E S TA U R A N T / L O U N G E I S B E L L E V U E ' S F AV O R I T E P L A C E TO SOCIALIZE. What upcoming events do you have planned for Women Who Love Whiskey in 2016? BM: I am really excited [about] doing a bus tour of local distilleries and being able to taste all the whiskeys they are putting out. We’ve done 2bar, we’ve done Westland, but there are so many other ones. J O I N U S F O R H A P P Y H O U R D A I LY F E AT U R I N G O V E R 5 0 I T E M S F R O M $4-$8 Do you have a lot of men that attend? BM: The boys love it. They want us to make t-shirts that say: “Men Love Women Who Love Whiskey.” JB: Our whiskey brings all the boys to the yard. WEEKEND NIGHTS STARTING AT 8 P M AERIAL ART PERFORMANCES AND B E AT S B Y R E S I D E N T D J S What advice can you give to novice whiskey drinkers who want to learn more about their pallet or recognizing specific tasting notes? JB: There’s one for everyone, if not 10. It’s more about getting to know the person. The fun part about doing a tasting is getting into that conversation. It’s such a vast category, and if you don’t have someone to show you around a little bit it can be overwhelming. What’s the most rewarding part about Women Who Love Whiskey? JB: Watching the friendships grow. There were times when we never got the support that we needed or wanted, or had the mentor that would have been amazing to have. There are so many wonderful, beautiful, strong women in this community that are equally talented. This is about having a spot to come together. At the end of the day, yes it’s about whiskey, but really it’s about relationships. BM: We had a Seattle Times article come out about us, and after that article came out we started getting all these messages like “I didn’t know there were other women that like whiskey” or “none of my other friends like whiskey.” It’s not just a bunch of women that love whiskey; it’s community we’ve created. We’ve all become friends, and we come together for these events and have a good time. The way that the community has responded has been more than we every anticipated. We knew it was going to be good, and we knew it was going to be fun; but we had no idea that it was going to be this. HAPPY HOUR M O N - F R I D AY 3 - 7 P M | S A T & S U N 4 - 7 P M . PEOPLE ISSUE l VILLE l 17