VillageWalk Wire September 2013 | Page 8

HOA MATTERS wit h Kim H Greetings VillageWalk Residents! ello All, everyone’s letters of interest by the Friday, September 6th. Lastly, I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Labor Day to celebrate the end of a great summer season! At your service, Your Town Manager I hope all of the families had a very smooth transition back to school this year. It has been a busy one with getting all four of my kiddos set up and ready to go. Hopefully everyone is smooth sailing now! August has been an incredibly hot and humid month. We are almost through and wrapped up with our annual landscape replacement program. Thank you so much for your patience through this process. We had a great time with you at the Casino Night and seeing everyone have fun. Valerie and the team did a beautiful job with the set up. I am looking forward to our monthly Farmer’s Market and Food Trucks next week! Yes, Monsta Lobsta Returns!!! YUM! I want to thank everyone that has been attending the monthly HOA Matters meetings. I look forward to reviewing the notes from everyone that is interested in serving on the ARC Committee. This process is a well-oiled machine and I know that we have some residents with amazing experience to make it even better. Please remember, we would like to have Kim Morton 8