VillageWalk Wire September 2013 | Page 21

endly Reminders PETS Please be a courteous neighbor and pick up after your furry friends. There are pet waste stations located throughout the community for your convenience. In addition, all dogs must be on a leash at all times. EXCESS NOISE AFTER 10PM Please be considerate of your fellow neighbors when having gatherings at your home. There have been several complaints about late night excessive noise and nuisances. In accordance to the Noise and Vibration Control: The Orange County Noise and Vibration Control Ordinance, 15-180 Article V, provides for the mental and emotional well being of all residents in Orange County. Specifically, the Ordinance provides that noise levels in excess of 60 decibels (dB), between 7 AM and 10 PM, violate County ordinances. Noise levels over 55 dB, between 10 PM and 7 AM also violate these regulations. The Orange County Code provides penalties for noise exceeding these levels. The Ordinance applies to noise from any source impacting residential land use areas. ASSESSMENTS Please keep in mind that your monthly assessments are due on the first of every month. You have a 15 day grace period to give time for mailing. You have several options for payment. Mail to the lock box in AZ, pay online at www.villagewalkatlakenonacom or sign up for direct debit. * See HOA office for more details. As noted in the Rules and Regulations of VillageWalk HOA, Complaints regarding the management of the Association Property, or regarding the actions of other owners, their families, guests, or lessees shall be made in writing to the Association and shall be signed by the concerned Lot Owner. You can either request a form by email ([email protected]) or pick up one at the Town Center officer. All violation reports are kept confidential! 21