VillageWalk Wire September 2013 | Page 20

VillageWalk Frie PARKING Please make sure that you and any of your guests are properly parked after hours in your driveways and off the street, not blocking any sidewalks and not parallel on the apron to avoid the costly expense of towing. The HOA has an agreement with Airport Towing to tow for any of the above mentioned vilations. Please refer to your Governing Documents or contact the Town Center with any questions. TRASH CANS Please store trash containers in your garage. Trash containers can be put out no earlier than 5pm the evening before and must be removed no later than midnight the day of pick up. Trash containers must be stored in an area not visible from street view. Failure to do so will result in violations. DRIVING IN VILLAGEWALK For the safety of our residents, it is very important that you are mindful of your speed. Speed limit signs are posted throughout the neighborhood and should be obeyed. Please help keep our streets safe as there are children playing and residents enjoying the beautiful community that VillageWalk is. Please be respectful of others for your safety and theirs. 20