VillageWalk Wire September 2013 | Page 17

Monthly Maintenance Report with Joe Greaves Vehicle entry : Please when entering the property, pull to about two feet away from curb so the laser reader can properly read your bar code sticker. If you are too far away from the laser it may not be able to read properly which will cause you to have to back up and get closer. Please remember that only one vehicle is permitted at a time upon entering. If you have a trailer, you must go to the main entrance and enter through there. The arm barrier comes down after each vehicle entry and it can come down while the trailer is being pulled through causing possible damage. Pedestrian Entry : At the east gate location there is a pedestrian entry gate. The gate code is 1234. Press the code then immediately turn the handle to gain access. The west gate also has a pedestrian gate, however, it has not been released for use as of now. 17