Village Voice June/July 2013 | Page 22

pavement. The Sunday newspaper fell open and the pages started to blow away in all directions. My mobile phone rang while I was retrieving them, but I was too late. PH left a message: I’m back in the hall. Where are you? I rang him straight backpredictably, it went to answerphone (he later blamed bad network coverage). Stomped back to the hall, where I met our trader neighbour. He hadn’t seen PH either. Then together we said There he is! He was heading out of the door I’d just come in. Half an hour later, when we were speaking again, we agreed on a system for future shows: he would tell me loudly and clearly where he’d parked the car. I would listen. Motley Hues Art Exhibition in the Alresford Community Centre June 29th – 30th 9am – 6pm A group of six Hampshire-based artists with a broad spectrum of styles and subjects. Paintings, prints, cards, illustrations and digital art to buy. More information and samples from Barry Edge at Belle Walker ALRESFORD BOWLING CLUB Sun Lane Alresford Have you ever thought of enjoying an outdoor leisure activity this summer? Why not have a go at bowls? It's a game for all ages; it's fun; it's friendly and good exercise too! Our season starts on Sunday 21 April and we have roll-ups every Tuesday and Thursday from: 10.00a.m. à 12 noon and 6.00 à 8.00p.m. We currently have vacancies for one or two new members. If you are interested please contact either: Gail Straker [SECRETARY: 732438] or John Holliday [CAPTAIN: 732023] 20 WINCHESTER VILLAGES TRUST The income from this trust is available to provide assistance for those in need, where and when help is not available from public funds, or to help in emergencies. To make an enquiry if you live in Bighton, contact: Gail Johnson, Chautara, Bighton, SO24 9RB. Tel. 01962 736556 Or if you live in Old Alresford, contact: Sue Alexander, The Hyde, Old Alresford, SO24 9DH. Tel. 732043