Village Voice April/May 2013 | Page 19

several meaningful discussions with nerds, and made lots of friends amongst the other traders. That event was followed by another, for which liability insurance was required, which led to phone calls to a broker and discussions about whether punters might be injured by having a packet of transfers fall onto them from table height, or even, horror! a paper-cut from a sheet of decals. The broker had never before met anyone less risky, and came to a compromise on the cost of £2 million cover. At the event we met more traders, and discovered that there was just as much business to be done between traders as there was with the punters. I filled in the time smiling, posing and pointing winningly at decal sets on the table-top. He came away with new ideas to extend his product range, and lots of orders. PH is in the front room right now, ordering new display stands for the next show (despite the risk of falling packets). I’ve finished the hoovering and I’m off to clean the bathroom – I’m expecting visitors! Belle Walker BISHOP’S SUTTON VILLAGE FETE & GARDEN PARTY SUNDAY 30TH JUNE 2013 2 – 4:15PM BEING HELD AT BISHOPS COURT BBQ, Bar, Cream Teas, Swimming, Snail Racing, Raffles, Punch-n-Judy, Egg Throwing, Best Dressed Hat Competition, Tractor Rides, Treasure Hunt, Cakes, Plants …. Stalls galore and much, much more! Join us for a fun-filled family afternoon out Put the date 30th June in your diary FROM STEVE BRINE MP Readers of Village Voice will have heard me protest in recent months at plans which could have seen Alresford (New and Old) as well as Bighton and Gundleton cut off from the Winchester constituency and lumped in with Fleet and Yateley when it comes to electing future Members of Parliament. I asked local people to join me in objecting (which you certainly did) and in my last column I said we were waiting on the response of the Boundary Comm