DiViNg iNtO A FuN DAY Out
New NOticeBOArD rAtes
The management has revised noticeboard advertising rates as from 15 May . The weekly rates are as follows :
Job Adverts |
Size |
Price |
A5 |
150 / - |
A4 |
200 / - |
Vehicle Adverts |
Size |
Price |
A5 |
400 / - |
A4 |
600 / - |
A3 |
900 / - |
A2 |
2,000 / - |
Children from Ahadi Boys Home in Ridgeways spent a day at The Village Market enjoying some well-deserved fun , rest and relaxation at the Hi-Tide water park . Their visit was made possible by Anne and Derek Schofield of Schofield & Associates who approached the Management on behalf of Ahadi Boys Home to allow the boys to enjoy a day at the park .
The Village Market Management is preparing to close down Hi-Tide to make way for the construction of a hotel , boutiques , a parking bay and offices . Before this happens , the Management is allowing schools and charity groups to use the water park free of charge during the week . The International School of Kenya was the first to benefit from this initiative . Contact the recreation department on ( 020 ) 712 3141 for further information or to book the facility for a deserving school or group .
Ahadi Boys Home takes young boys off the streets of Nairobi and gives them a home , education and hope for a brighter future . The home was opened in 1999 by missionary James Ramey . In August the same year , James and his family left and Mim Grooms took over as Program Coordinator .
To support Ahadi Boys Home , please contact Mim Grooms on 0737702251 or mimgrooms @ gmail . com
Property Adverts |
Size |
Price |
A5 |
400 / - |
A4 |
500 / - |
A3 |
1,000 / - |
A2 |
2,000 / - |
General Adverts |
Size |
Price |
A5 |
400 / - |
A4 |
500 / - |
A3 |
1,000 / - |
A2 |
2,000 / - |
For up-to-date news and information , join us online :
Facebook : The Village Market Twitter : @ VillageMarket