Ma Prem leevan
Swami Paraprem
May 9, 1921- August I I , 2013
Jeevan was a wild,
September 29, 1948 - August 16. 2 0 ! !
courageous, and
w o m a n , who took
sannyas in Los
Angeles in 1975 at the
age of 48, and spent
the rest of her life in
Osho’s orbit.
After Osho left the
body, she spent a
few years teaching English in Japan to finance her
visits to Pune, and then moved back here around
1995, declaring her intention to live near the Resort
She was an integral p a r t of the community for all
these years, working at the Osho Times, and later the
audio-checking project. She loved this work, blissing
o u t as she listened to Osho, and was able to continue
with it till about a month before she left her body.
She also loved to sing at our Variety Shows and on
YouTube for friends around the globe.
She unabashedly celebrated life, her o w n and
everyone else’s. She loved meeting the new people
who are coming to Osho, taking a keen interest in
their stories, and gently encouraging them on their
path of self-discovery by sharing her o w n stories.
As she got weaker these last months she spoke
openly of death and said recently that she was ready
to go now. Her time cameat the beginning of the
annual Monsoon Festival. There were hundreds of
people here to celebrate her final journey, beating
drums and setting off firecrackers as we walked with
her body to the burning ghats. The joy in the air was
palpable, and even new arrivals who didn’t know her
said they were deeply touched.
She always and only wanted freedom, and I think
she found it.
For more details about Jeevan’s life and death, with
links to her stories and videos, go to www.oshonews.
Sheelu: [email protected]
Paraprem came to Osho
in 1979 and was p a r t of
the whole adventure and
experiment created by
Osho: a commune member
in Pune One, early resident
at the Ranch, and back to
A big heart, a rare friend,
he was a devotee and
appreciated by many. He
was a very skilled man: a
plumber, a carpenter, a house builder, who worked
with love and loved to work well. He was also an
amazing organic gardener, a beekeeper, and known
by the Japanese as M r . Propolis. He became expert
at everything he got interested in. Shunya, his long‑
t e r m work partner in Pune Tw o says, “Paraprem was
always a joy to work with; he was the perfect plumb‑
ing Buddha incarnated.”
He lived his whole life with totality, delight, friendli‑
ness, and a sweet sense of humor. He loved life.
A few years ago Paraprem had prostate cancer that
almost healed, but last winter he found o u t that the
cancer had spread into the bones. Paraprem stayed at
home, under the care of his Japanese wife, Yoga Bija,
and with the help of beautiful local friends. He was
perfectly aware of his state and felt at peace, serene,
and quiet. He refused chemo and w e n t to the hospi‑
tal in Carcassonne a few times in order to deal with
the pain. O n his last visit there h e did n o t r e t u r n
Parapem was a sincere disciple of Osho, who left
his body consciously, gently, like a bird flying high
in the sky and disappearing, while showering his
friends with love.
About 40 people gathered from all corners of France
to give h i m a beautiful send-off. The energy was
especially light, simple, and profound, just like
he was, and touched everyone present in its o w n
unique way. His ashes have been dispersed in the
Mediterranean Sea, as he wished.