Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 5

C STAFF 7 Managing Editor: Avinasho Editor: Sangeet Editorial Assistant: Anila EditorialBoard: Aneesha, Anila, Avinasho, Dhanyam, Harideva, Nirman, Prembandhu, Sangeet, Yogena Publication Design: Poona Advertising: Avinasho Proofreading: Anila, Dhanyam Line Drawings: Rashid Loving Courier Service: Anunado Osno \ 3 19 1/} Listen to Your Own Heart Meditation: Play with the Idea of Meditation Sitcnn SEGIIOH llrt: lflt llmMMt 22 24 26 28 30 32 TO OUR GONTRIBUTORS: Dt-VIGE a The Process of Acceptance - Anonymous I Can Only BeGrateful 0 Sangeet Life Happens...? Where Are WeWhen It Does? - Amaresh Letting Go ‘ Jayadip BUDDHA NEWS Newsflash: Summer Found in Denmark! ' Subhuti India Litigation Update Our Weekend with Devageet ° Yogena A Meditation Celebration with Swami Chaitanya Keerti 12 Osho Meditation Camp in New York ° Usha / \ THE ESSENTIAL OS|10 DIREGIORY Osho VihaInformation Center: (415) 472‐5381 email: [email protected] website: Osho International Meditation Resort: +91 20 6601 9999; fax +91 20 6601 9990 email: [email protected] Osho World: +91 11 2626 1616; New Delhi, India; email: [email protected] Osho Tapoban, Katmandu, Nepal; Osho Pages on World Wide Web: DtPARIMENIS 16 Contact Avinasho at [email protected] for deadlines and guidelines on how to send material. Divine Devices ' Dhiren Everything Can Become a Device ' Ganga 8 9 10 11 6 14 \ Departures: MaPrem Jeevan, Swami Paraprem, MaNavin From MyWindow - Bhagawati;;;; Musical Notes 16 Music Review: Meditation Ragas - Damini 16 MyJourney with The Viha Connection is created out of our love for Osho. It pro- Mantras - Miten 18 A‘Mysterious, Invisible Bubble of Wonder 0 Angela Vivek ples. It’s a place where we can talk about what we have learned through discipleship and meditation, and how welive it outin the world; a place where the experiences of truth and silence