Starting o u t with a bit of
a pet peeve of mine: We
receive many compliments
and thank-yous for our 27
years of service of making
Osho available. B u t it is a
complete mystery to me why
some of our Facebook “friends”
will post links to Amazon when
they are referring to Osho books,
which of course are available from Viha.
Why would they w a n t to support Amazon and n o t
l“ l
Book report: The Huffz‘ngton Post recently pub‑
lished a very positive review of Darpan’s Awakened
Leadership: Beyond Self‐Mastery, devoting a good part of
the review to Darpan’s path with Osho.
Devageet’s book, Osho: The First Buddha in the Dental
Chair, continues to fly off the shelf here. Niketan
v; , in Iowa liked the book
so much that he gave his
copy to his dentist, and in
July we received a grateful
email from another buyer
of the book who is a law‑
yer in the Supreme Court
i l i t ‘ Yoga ( i f
of India. Wow!
- /’
R a m y a in Arizona alerted
me to a very interesting
book, The Healing Power
of Madras: The Yoga of
the Hands by Rajendar
includes the chapter “Osho, Tantra
and Mudra.” Check it out!
M e n e n , which
Avinasho and I were delighted to finally meet face‑
to-face a n e w friend from Dallas, H a s y o . A few years
ago Hasyo was introduced
to Osho by our buddy
Praveen of the Cosmic
Café, who is like Osho’s
Dallas ambassador. Hasyo
immediately fell in love
with Osho’s brilliance, and
when he started a challeng‑
ing new job this year, he
felt Osho say, " Yo u need me
for this.” This is when he
contacted us and decided to take sannyas. We were
quite surprised to find out that Hasyo is the general
manager at the George W. Bush Presidential C e n t e r,
of all places! (And we were relieved to hear that
being a registered Republican is n o t a job require‑
ment.) In August Hasyo and his partner, Chad,
came to San Francisco where they n o t only enjoyed
the sights but also got married in City Hall, wear‑
i n g the same shirts that they had worn at their Holy
Union 13 years earlier. Congratulations!
F r o m our electronic inbox: We received a mes‑
sage with the subject line "Technical Issues” from
H u m n a in Pakistan, asking, “Can I talk to Master
Osho?” Although we were n o t able to directly con‑
n e c t H u m n a with Osho, w e were glad w e could give
h i m the website of the Osho Foundation in Pakistan.
And of course,
we suggested
he visit Osho
Tapoban in
nearby Nepal.
According to an
article in the
San Francisco
Indians are
"obsessed" with
weddings and reality TV. The article reports that a
n e w TV channel, Shagun TV, is merging these t w o
fascinations into a 24-hour matrimonial TV station,
the first in India offering round‐the-clock wedding
entertainment. Its programs feature bridal make‑
overs, honeymoon destinations, and bridal jewelry.
One show focuses on the relationships between
mothers and daughters-in-law, and coming soon are
marriage-themed soap operas. The Indian wedding
market is valued at $38 billion a year and is expected
to grow 25 to 30 percent annually. The lndian wed‑
ding season starts in October and lasts until spring,
and many of us have experienced how difficult it
is to get airline tickets in and o u t of India
during that time. Traffic can grind to a
halt in major cities on wedding dates that
are thought to be astrologically auspicious.
0n particularly lucky days, newspapers
reported up to 60,000 couples tying the
knot in N e w Delhi alone.
A recent article in states
that meditation and mindfulness are the
new rage in Silicon Valley, and that it’s n o t
just about inner peace but also about getting ahead.
Google’s corporate campus, for example, offers a
meditation class as part of an internal. course called
Search Inside Yourself. It's designed to teach. people