Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 19

i o n Meditation, according to meand my religion, has all not matter; don't feel sad... Because I am not telling you the space, the whole of Existence available. You are the watcher; you can watch the whole scene. There is no effort that it will happen today, or tomorrow, or within three months or six months. I amnot giving you any expectation to concentrate on anything; there is no effort to contem‑ because that will become a tension in your mind. It can plate about anything. You are not doing all these things, you are simply there watching,just aware. It is a knack. It is happen any day; it may not happen. It all depends on how not a science; it is not an art; it is not a craft; it is a knack. Soyou have tojust goon playing with the idea. [...] playfulyou are. Just start playing ‐ in the bathtub, when you are not doing anything, why not play? Sitting under your shower, Anytime ‐ lying in your bed, if sleep is not coming, play you are not doing anything; the shower is doing its work. with the idea. Why bother about sleep? It will come when it will come. You cannot doanything to bring it; it is not in your hands, so why bother about it? Something that is not in your hands, forget about it. This time is in your hands, why not use it? Lying in your bed, on a cold night under your blanket, cozy and enjoying ‐just play with the idea. You need not sit in the lotus posture. In mymeditation you need not torture yourself in any way. You are simply standing there;