Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 12

05MMM7‘MMW in NM rm F r o m July 19-21, Osho Sadhana hosted the largest‑ ever residential Osho Meditation Retreat with Swami Anand A r u n in the beautiful premises of Stony Point Most of the participants were experiencing Osho’s meditations for the first time. Twenty n e w people took sannyas. Rare?” Cemer m Stony Pmm' New York' M o r e than 80 friends from all over the US and With so many people dancing, celebrating, and meditating, the meditation hall felt like a volcano of Canda participated in this retreat, and about 65 of them stayed on campus for all three days. energy. Forthcoming OSHO Meditation W 2074 21-Day Intensive Transformation Retreats 1st to 21st in the months of March, April, May, June and July 1~7: No Mind Therapy Group 8‐ 14: Transformation Camp 15‐21: Osho Neo-Vipassona Comp 21-Day Mystic Rose Therapy November 1‐ November21 i2