Viha magazine Nov/Dec 2013 | Page 11

A Med/7am»ire/Wanner MT/I/ Sir/amt flier/Tanya Keerfi i n Me? AW Remember, if the fear of death disappears, then all other fears disappear automatically, because all other fears are nothing but by-products of the main, basic fear ‐ the fear of death. (The G u e s t , Chapter 1) I m e t Swami Chaitanya Keerti in 2007 at the Osho Mandakini Meditation Center in Varanasi, India, during a four-day active meditation workshop that he facilitated. Although I had been practicing Osho’s meditations since 2001, I had never taken sannyas. During the course of the workshop he and I had a wonderful dialogue around meditation and Osho’s teachings. As a result, I made the decision to take sannyas as a formal commitment of my devotion to my meditation practice. I was given the name Ma Anand Usha, "the blissful m o m e n t before the sunrise.” When I learned that Keerti was planning a trip to the Bay Area, Ijumped at the opportunity to assist h i m in organizing events to share Osho’s vision and active meditations with our local community. On August 24, 2013, a group of 30 curious meditators celebrated with Keerti in the home of Ma Jasmine and her husband, Harry, in beautiful Lafayette, California. The daylong event was comprised of a morning discourse on “The Fear of Death,” a three‑ stage active meditation on the Muladhara (the r o o t chakra), a movement and music meditation facili‑ tated by Ma Aparna, a wonderful Indian home‑ cooked lunch prepared by Jasmine, and an afternoon Prayer Meditation to end the day. Nestled in the sun‑ drenched hills of Northern California, we meditated, danced, hugged, and prayed together as a family, celebrating o u r community of sannyasins. The day was restorative, balancing, and ‘- ' energizing. l/y/m had suffered a massive stroke near Los Angeles and would likely n o t recover. I was absolutely devastated, ripped open, raw. Keerti began o u r event with a discourse that addressed the fear of death, for which I was very grateful. Once we shifted into the medi‑ tation portion of the day, I was able to relax in my body and feel the waves of grief move through me for the first time in a week. The collective conscious‑ ness of the group supported me in staying with some very challenging emotions, and I left with a sense of well-being and ‘ g . clarity. Although i r if" m y m i n d con‑ tinued to tell me I was n o t prepared to face so much loss in so little time, my meditation practice brought me back to the awareness that I have many tools available to me to face difficult times, and this is the result of having a committed daily meditation practice. At the end of the day, Keerti shared with me that he feels his work is to m e e t and share insights from Osho with others, to help others achieve a greater understanding of themselves. He feels this work is a gift from Osho. There is no goal in mind, only the opportunity to help people live with greater aware‑ ness. Thank you, KeertiJU therealsunriseruby@hotmail. com The next day Keerti and Aparna accompanied Jasmine and Harry to satsang at Viha, with beautiful live music by Teerth and Australian Darpan. After lunch Keerti chatted with the community about his activities and plans and the latest news from northern India. ‐Ed. I arrived with a very heavy heart that day. A week before the event, I had received news that a very dear childhood friend had taken his o w n life after going missing from his home in the South Bay. And then the day before the event, I received a phone call that ll