Badminton/Cross-Country IISSAC:
Fly to success
By Jae Min Lee
adminton and Cross-Country practices started in March to prepare players to compete in IIS-
SAC. This year, our school hosted IISSAC for spring sports Badminton and Cross-Country. On April
7, all the teams from other schools arrived and the badminton round robin started. Both the guys’ and
girls’ teams from each school played two teams from other schools. When the games ended, there
was a banquet in the pavilion for both the badminton players and Cross-Country runners from all the
competing schools. Thanks to the delicious meal and fun games, everyone enjoyed it and was able to
get a good rest. On Saturday, the Cross-Country runners had an early race in the morning. Both the
guys and girls team won the banners! As for the badminton tournament, players finished the round
robins and also competed for the individual rounds. At the end of the round robin, both the MCS
guys’ and girls’ badminton teams played against SIS, then made it to the finals. Impressively, both
teams won and reached the finals. However in the finals, things didn’t go as planned as both teams
ended up losing. As a the result, the Wesley guys and the Surabaya girls won first place. Although
both teams ended up in 2nd place, they are still glad to have played their best. To prepare for next
year’s badminton tournaments, there is a Saturday badminton club held in the gym.
Splash to Success
By Noah Beliasov
he 2017 Mountainview Swim Team was the best swim team in Mountainview history so far, by being the first to not finish last! A
total of ten medals were brought home this year! Stephen Prambada alone won five gold medals; Chang Seop Byun won a gold, two
silver, and a bronze medal, and Song Eun Han won a bronze medal. The 2017 Swimming IISSAC was held in Bali on April 28-30. The
swimmers had to skip school when they left for the Jogjakarta airport at 4 am on Friday morning, April 28th. They arrived at their hotel
around lunch time, but their rooms were not ready so they had to go to the races carrying all their bags, without any rest from the trip.
A banquet was held later that night, and surprisingly, everyone was able to choose their own seats! The goal of the Friday and Saturday
races was to determine the best six swimmers for each stroke, placing competitors for finals on Sunday. After the points were added
up, the Mountainview girls came in 6th place and the Mountainview boys came in 5th place, beating Surabaya Intercultural School. The
teams came back Sunday afternoon, having done an amazing job and having represented Mountainview well.
Layout by Noah Beliasov