VIEWPOINT MAGAZINE Volume 5.4 May 2017 | Page 6



Junior-Senior Banquet

By Matthew Sujanto

E ach year , the Junior class holds the Junior-Senior Banquet to honor our graduating seniors . Students from 10th-12th grade are invited to attend the party . This year , the Juniors held the Hollywood-themed event at S2 Semarang . From playing charades to swing dancing on the red carpet , the ballroom was filled with fun and laughter . The excitement was in the air as this banquet will the last one for our seniors . Here are some insight stories that happened in this year ’ s banquet .

While the adults and teachers sat together , Tristan sat there clueless and complained to his little sister , Cosette , about why she chose the table where they sat . In the meantime , Mrs . Maclean , still hungry , went over to other tables to grab more food while keeping the table interested with her hilarious conversation .
The Juniors was busy with the task of handling the banquet , whether it was by counting up votes for the banquet awards or by being the MC of the event . It got to the point where they got so distracted by their duty that they forgot to eat .
There is never a dull moment when you are sitting with Mr . Fosdhal . Early into the banquet when the games started , Mr . Fosdhal tried to hide from Joey , who was picking people to play charades , by pretending to tie his shoe for about 5 minutes and moving his head under the table so that no one would see him . His plan worked , but Mrs . Fosdhal was chosen instead . Then he tried to show the younger students how to eat soup properly , but it backfired as the soup spilled all over him .
Despite only having 6 people , this table had as much fun and laughter as most others . It was led by Hannah and Mahak , who pretended to have mustaches by placing carrots on top of their lips , which Mahak thought to be cute .
Occupied mostly by teachers , this table was far more intriguing than it seemed , as Mr . Collin led an interesting talk about his TV programs and later during the games , Allan performed what could be the highlight of the banquet , where he picked up a glass and raised it up like in Lion King .
With the lights of Hollywood shining on the red carpet and the table occupied by many girls , this table was supposed to be every man ’ s dream for Kai and Moses , but it didn ’ t seem like it as awkward silences overcame all of them .
Even though this table had arguably the most senior members , not a lot of conversation happened . Later , the silence was broken by a loud cheer as the food made its way to the table , proving that food can always bring happiness .