“In this game, we are all playing… Literally”
By Josiah Watanabe
It all started with a small inkling of regret. Questions started to float to the surface of my mind. “Why
did I agree to take this part? Why did I agree to sacrifice my time for this drama? I am a busy junior. I have to
focus on my studies. I need to spend as much time as I can with the seniors before they leave. These are my pri-
orities, not some eighth grade drama. There are so many lines to memorize! I already have enough credits. I al-
ready have enough on my shoulders.” I quickly shook these thoughts from my mind. Alan had already told me
that he had written the drama and the character of Mr. Live based upon my personality. He had practically tuned
it to fit me. He told me that he was counting on me. I prayed for strength, “Father, I have made my decision.
Help me not to back out of this. I really want to be a part of this, and work alongside Alan and the eighth grad-
ers. They look up to me. Help me be a good example. Amen.”
Then came the yawns and the heaviness of eyelids. The lack of motivation slithered as a serpent, quiet
and undetected, into my mind and nestled itself there. I had already wrestled with my regret and felt exhausted. I
was slowly falling behind in my classes and spending many late nights working. “Uh oh, drama practice is tomor-
row. It’s already past the deadline and I haven’t even memorized my lines yet. What will the eighth graders think
of me then? I’m setting a terrible example so far. The drama is great, but I just don’t feel the enthusiasm any-
more.” As I observed the bowed heads, drooping shoulders, and tired eyes I could see others were struggling in
the same manner as myself. It was then I noticed our utter need for continued prayer and dependence upon God.
“Father, our bodies are weak and tired. Give us energy. Give us motivation. Fill us with Your joy. Help us to
persevere through this, encouraging one another along the way. Please... Amen.”
Then it all became hell. The serpent was awakened. It was finished playing with my mind, ever so slight-
ly tampering with my focus and logic. It snaked its way down and wrapped itself around my heart. Then it
squeezed… It was as if my lack of motivation had been multiplied by a hundred. It was beyond pain. It was ago-
ny. All of my regrets, fears, and sorrows seemed to coil about my chest, crushing the very life out of me. “Why? I
don’t even know why anymore. It’s just constant pain - searing and unceasing.” Then I realized, “Of course! I’m
being attacked by the Devil. He doesn’t want the show to go on. My character, the clown, represents the Devil
himself. If I step foot on that stage, come performance day, and play my part, his evil ways and deception will be
brought forth into the light!” I pleaded with the LORD, asking Him to once again give me strength and rescue
me from the hands of the Evil One. And He did. But the Evil One then fled and proceeded to torment others,
especially those whom I loved dearly. He attacked with illness, lies, and depression. But God’s children were real-
izing his presence, and as they prayed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Devil lost his grip.
On Friday, the 21st of April, the drama was performed, solely because of the will of God. He allowed it
to happen, and I am glad He did. The experience opened my eyes like none other. “The Game” was far from
merely another eighth grade drama. It was real. The game was real. The battle was real. The war IS real. And
Christ will always have His victory.