Current Issues
Friends of Kemble
Heritage Hills
Following the Friends of Kemble Heritage Hills July 16th presentation to Council, the Deputy Mayor put the topic on
the September 3rd Committee of the
Whole agenda.
After much discussion, and a Motion put
forward and then retracted, Committee of
the Whole Councillors agreed to look at
budgeting the repair of the Hills with a
view to re-open them in 2015.
Council members also agreed to discuss
road classification at the October Committee of the Whole meeting.
It was the Friends group that researched
Ontario road classification and directed
Councillors to the class 6 grade which
includes both Dodd's W Hill and Suicide
Hill and also pointed out that there is no
legal standard to class 6; as such, it is
appropriate to spend only an amount on
these Heritage
Roads to keep them
seasonal, safe and
driveable. Not a
costly enterprise at
Friends of the Kemble Heritage Hills will monitor the October 8 Committee of the Whole meeting
and 2015 budget deliberations to see that
money is allocated to the Heritage Hills.
The lack of sound business planning by Georgian Bluffs for our
roads, the biodigester and the airport is costing the ratepayers
By admission on the radio (106.5)
September 6, 2014, the Heritage
Hills should never have been
blocked off.
Financial records show that the
biodigester, a joint project with
Chatsworth, is not generating the
revenue it was supposed to.
The airport, co-owned with the
Township of South Bruce Peninsula has just dismissed its manager and has a pipe dream for a
plan to salvage what is left of this
failed venture. On September 8,
an interview with Steve Curic was
aired. Curic claims his offer three
years ago to buy the airport for
one million dollars sat on the shelf
for over a year, before he heard
that the co-owners were not
interested. The offer still stands.
Six new candidates are running
for the following positions in the
upcoming election. For Council:
Susan Carleton, Dave McArthur
(IVD member), Paul Sutherland,
Dave Waller and Brad Olliver.
Cal Confer (IVD member) is
challenging Dwight
Burley for Deputy Mayor.
Thursday, September 18 5-7pm
Kemble Lions Roast Beef Dinner
Friday, October 3 6-10pm
Kemble United Church Talent
Auction at Kemble United Church
Friday, October 17 at 7pm
KWI hosts Crokinole at Kemble
United Church; $10; drop cheque
off to Cory McQuigge in Kemble or
Edith Galloway in Big Bay by
Thanksgiving. A fun evening!
Saturday, October 18
Kemble Harvest Blowout
Date changed; hope for sunshine!
Sunday, December 14
Kemble Lions Non-Motorized
Christmas Parade.
Georgian Bluffs
Meet the Candidates Night
Friday, September 26, 2014
Shallow Lake Arena at 7pm
IVDAARA All Candidates Meeting
Monday, September 29, 2014
Kemble United Church at 7pm
Monday, October 27, 2014
Municipal Elections by mail-in
ballot only.
Mark your
Collect Pop Cans for Shriners
Collect Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs
more details to follow
How YOU can help IVDAARA?
It would be wonderful to see more participation from Members of the Association (and
the public) at the various Council meetings. More people = more interest = more results.
Council will pay attention if they know they are being observed in their roles. We, as
Members, will feel a sense of pride in participation when issues at hand are resolved with
our input. As an example, although Grey Road 1 is almost completely paved we, as a
community, could be facing downloading from Grey County to Georgian Bluffs. We cannot afford this. Ask questions. Seek answers. Come out to the All Candidates Meeting
on Sept. 29 at 7pm (see “News” tab on website). Join us by attending council meetings!