Viewpoint Fall 2014

 Fall 2014 MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT CAL CONFER .. 1  ELECTION ( MAIL - IN BALLOT ONLY) O CTOBER 27 ....... 1 Island View Drive and Area Ratepayers’ Association Newsletter  MEET YOUR IVDAARA BOARD OF DIRECTORS .... 2  CURRENT ISSUES ....... 3  FRIENDS OF HERITAGE HILLS UPDATE ............... 3  UPCOMING EVENTS .... 3  HOW YOU CAN HELP IVDAARA ..................... 3      Viewpoint fall MEMBERSHIP REPORT . 4 TREASURER REPORT .. 4 WEBMASTER REPORT . 4 IVDAARA CELEBRATES 4 ANNUAL POTLUCK ...... 4 I V D A A R A: “ W E AR E E V E R V I G I L AN T T O T H E C O N C E R N S O F O U R M E M B E R S H I P AS E M B O D I E D I N T H E I R D I R E C T I V E S F O R S O C I AL , C O M M U N I T Y A N D E N V I R O N M E N T AL RESPONSIBILITIES.” President’s Message A generally cooler and wetter summer has come to an end. Let’s hope we have a warm, pleasant fall. At the July 19 Annual General Meeting you elected a new board who are trying to continue the great work put forth by retiring board members. We owe a debt of gratitude to Edith Galloway, Judy Belbeck, Marilyn Chapman, and David Chapman whose efforts over the past two years have contributed to the success of our Association. With more than 60 members attending, the August 24th Pot Luck at Centennial Park was a great success. Photos are on the website for those who weren’t able to attend. We are in the early stages of planning a spring event. Sue Crutcher has done a remarkable job revamping our website to improve functionality and utility of the website for our members. Have a look at the site and revisit often to keep abreast of issues in the community. Lastly, please remember to exercise the franchise by voting in the Georgian Bluffs municipal election. The next Council will face a number of issues that are near and dear to our hearts — the Kemble Heritage Roads, Wiarton-Keppel Airport; the Bio-digester, off-loading of county roads to the municipality — to name just a few. Make your voice heard. ELECTION: October 27 ALL BALLOTS WILL BE MAILED. There will be no polling booths for the Georgian Bluffs municipal election. Ballots are to be sent to qualified electors by Canada Post between September 30 and October 3. Once completed, ballots may be returned to the Georgian Bluffs municipal offices by using the postage paid return envelope or by depositing ballots at the municipal offices by 8:00 pm October 27. If returned using Canada Post, ballots must be placed in the mail by October 18 to ensure receipt at the municipal offices by October 27. More details available on our website: