Vidifire Review & Vidifire $16,700 bonuses Vidifire REVIEW & Vidifire (SECRET) Bonuses | Page 5

Module 3 : “ Interest Cultivation ”
Now that you ’ ve hooked them in , you gotta keep them there by creating interest about the topic … in relation to how it will make them want to buy whatever it is you ’ re selling at the end .
So to create interest , simply tell them what you ' re gonna tell them . Whoever makes it past this point is extremely interested in what we are talking about . Which means , they are a super hot lead at this point . Otherwise , why would they stay ?
This is also where we start to tell them about the big opportunity that is available to them . Or the big problem that they know or don ’ t know that they have .
We educate them on the problem or opportunity , show how it will affect their life in negative ways if it ’ s not solved , then we propose a solution or shortcut to solving the problem .