VHEDC_2023_DE | Page 5

Welcome from the VHEDC


Networking has always been a way for the business community to find others to collaborate with , help , engage , fulfill , grow , learn , dream , foster , advise , develop , educate , and the list goes on and on . I remember hearing the word in high school and finding it interesting , but not really understanding what it meant .

Then I went to college and that word , “ networking ,” popped up again during my business and communication classes . One public relations class used the word all the time and that ’ s when I learned the value of networking . The students that were in a group called PRSSA ( Public Relations Student Society of America ) were invited to the Minnesota Press Club in Downtown Minneapolis . We were told it was networking at its finest .
Liz Moscatelli
VHEDC Executive Director
Many of the newspaper names I recognized from the Star Tribune and Pioneer Press were in the room . So was Don Shelby from WCCO-TV , and several public relations executives from the firms in the Twin Cities . There was some embarrassment as I stood over Don Shelby and another gentleman sitting in conversation . I wanted to introduce myself but couldn ’ t figure out how to do that while they were talking . Luckily , a woman from a public relations firm was standing nearby . She smiled and I went over to talk to her . She later became a mentor and helped me find my first internship . Years later , I would reach out to her if I needed advice or direction .
That is the value of networking . We take these opportunities to help others , ourselves and the community around us . Thirty years working for USA TODAY / Gannett helped me deliver the message to those starting their careers that networking is one of the most valuable things you can do for yourself and the company . When I started at VHEDC , I recall the people that contacted me the first month on the job . As I think of them now , they are the ones that I consider excellent networking role models .
Networking is the process of making connections and building relationships . These connections can provide you with advice and contacts , which can help you make informed career decisions . Networking can even help you find unadvertised jobs / internships . Networking can take place in a group or oneon-one setting . ( Columbia University Resources )
The last few years have been tough on networking . We almost lost the art of networking beyond the Zoom calls . It ’ s not the same on a computer screen . So , here we are back at the helm and relishing the time spent with many of our contacts . It is almost like building new bridges and finding new paths to forge with those that we hadn ’ t seen face-to-face for a while .
Peruse this magazine and find your next opportunity to network . Take that chance to call , email , or text someone . Rarely have I met with someone who hasn ’ t found networking to be totally worthwhile and beneficial . I ’ m so happy we are back to building those networks . In some cases , it ’ s like we never stopped and picked up where we left off . Hurrah !
Liz Moscatelli VHEDC Executive Director vhedc . com 5