VHEDC_2023_DE | Page 38

Hammer & NER staff and people supported celebrate the generosity of those who attended 2022 ’ s Reach for Ralph at the culmination of the event .
that accounting for economies of scale , making purchases for people who live in 68 different homes rather than only the 35 group homes and nine apartment programs in the west metro , or the 24 group homes in the east metro , brings the cost per unit for everything they buy down significantly .
Then of course there is the added benefit of staff members being able to learn from each other . Reed pointed out that while Hammer Residences has a strong history of philanthropy , up until now NER hasn ’ t been as successful with fundraising .
“ We ’ re really able to take some of those best practices that Hammer was doing around fundraising and implement those in the east metro , and increase our connection to the community ,” he said .
Now that the merger has happened , Reed is hoping people will get more involved , whether through donating or volunteering . He also has high hopes for a very successful annual fundraising event for the combined organization .
Reach for Ralph 2023 happens in June . This year ’ s event is the second joint one for Hammer & NER , and promises to be the largest yet . Reed said the focus is on celebrating the significant anniversaries of both NER and Hammer
Residences , which is celebrating 100 years of serving the community .
Wayne , seen here with his father , Bill , and one of his favorite staff , Elliot , is supported by Hammer & NER was a featured guest at 2022 ’ s event .
The annual event is dedicated to a lovable boy named Ralph who had a disability that few people understood in the 1920s . Most people believed Ralph should have been placed in an institution but Hammer Residences founder Alvina Hammer offered a caring environment instead , the first Hammer School .
The Ganzer Family and guests had a great time at their first in-person Reach for Ralph .
Ralph was the inspiration for Hammer Residences ’ logo figure and statues . He reaches toward the sky , symbolizing hope and striving for all that is possible . Ralph represents individuals with differing abilities who thrive , living the life they deserve with compassionate care in their communities .
38 Northeast Metro Business