VHEDC_2023_DE | Page 37

Hammer & NER anniversary


White Bear Lake-Based Northeast Residence ( NER ) Merges with Wayzata-based Hammer Residences , Inc .

Creating opportunities for people with disabilities has been the mission of Northeast Residence Inc . since the very beginning . It all started back in 1971 when a group of dedicated and caring people who worked with children with developmental disabilities had a vision .

They wanted to create a nonprofit that would provide people with intellectual and other disabilities the opportunity to live life to their fullest potential through experiences , choices , quality assurance and self-determination . After two-and-a half-years of pure determination that vision was realized .
Northeast Residence Inc . ( NER ) was incorporated and approved as a 501 ( c ) 3 non-profit organization in September of 1973 . Not only does 2023 mark the 50th year in operation for the nonprofit , it marks a new beginning .
Effective on January 1 , 2023 , the twoyear-long merger between NER and Wayzata-based Hammer Residences , Inc . became official .
Not only does Hammer & NER provide homes and apartments adapted to meet the needs of the approximately 360 people with disabilities , the nonprofit offers support services , case management and care coordination , including transportation to and from appointments , and access to travel opportunities designed to enrich people ’ s lives .
“ As a merged business , we are now one of the largest providers of services for people with disabilities in the state . When you ’ re bigger , you have more influence to advocate for the people you support ,” said Nate Reed , Fundraising Manager at NER .
Before the merger , Hammer had only been serving people in Hennepin County , and NER was serving people in Washington and Ramsey Counties . Now serving three counties , the combined company has a much larger network to tap into .
Reed said the power of that network is especially strong when it comes to staffing needs . “ It used to be if you worked at Hammer in Hennepin County you couldn ’ t pick up shifts at NER unless you were hired on . Now if we have a staffing needs we can ask employees to step in and work across the organization . The combined company has a total of 550 dedicated staff members .
Another benefit of the merger is purchasing power . Reed pointed out
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