Verve 2022 | Page 51

The simple phrase ' opposites attract ' adds nothing new It ' s a basic scientific fact
' What goes around comes around ' was certainly no breakthrough Unless it ' s a boomerang , the meaning barely remains intact
' All is fair in love and war ' tries to justify the behaviour of cheats The expression ' nerves of steel ' cannot reflect bravery How can one move if made of metal , let alone perform daring feats ?
' We ' re not laughing at you , we ' re laughing with you ' is always a lie and most unsavoury
The engineer of ' head over heels in love ' must have been an acrobat And one clearly incredibly ignorant to the ordinary level of dexterity
' Laughter is the best medicine ' also falls flat Real medicine is of course the best medicine , this cliché lacks sincerity
Clichés have little meaning is what I ' ve been trying to say This is a message that is certainly no cliché