Verve 2022 | Page 50

Unpacking Clichés Amelia Faure Walker

' You win some you lose some ' is an expression of old And a phrase reserved for those that lose The architect of ' All that glitters isn ' t gold ' Was certainly one riddled with trust issues
Whoever said ' scared out of my wits ' Clearly never had any in the first place , where ' s the grammatical sense ?
' And they all lived happily ever after ' is a line for twits ; Whoever thought reality could be simplified so crudely was incredibly dense
' All ' s well that ends well ' Has no substance at all , it ' s simply tautology
' He had his tail between his legs ' Shows ignorance of the basic teachings of biology
The author of ' cat got your tongue ' definitely never encountered one It ' s common knowledge they go straight for the throat Why bother wasting time on their victim ' s tongue ?
It ' s a mystery to me why on this feral creature we dote