Verve 2022 | Page 47

I must admit though , for a fleeting second , I was jealous of your daring ways . You always carried a curious shadow of independence . But of course , that was a frivolous delusion . You are the monster . Rebel ! Why couldn ’ t you just do as you were told ? WHY ? I did it for over forty years , but you couldn ’ t last fifteen . You stole my time like a brazen thief . Left me insatiably parched for something more than mortal affection .
So , the deed had to be done .
The same happened to your sister . I can tell you now . Ha ! Now , you will be joining her . Perhaps , it ’ s a relentless fate upon the Dolos women .
Let me explain : this morning , I sprinkled some powder into your breakfast . Just a pinch . You can ’ t outsmart death too ; you quickly fell flat . Now , as I ’ m writing this , I am carefully clothing you with the dress you used to wear as a little girl . Remember that white one ? Ah look , those rosy cheeks are back ! A child ’ s glow is always the best . Frankly , others may call me a monster - but they must understand I did this to destroy the true devil . But don ’ t worry , you ’ ll be preserved , clean , in this box right next to your sister . Smile ! Eternal purity . Excellent . You ’ ll be with me now . Forever and always .
Love , Papa