Verve 2022 | Page 46


Delaney Kim

Dearest Abigail ,
I was so worried about you last night . You see , as a father , when your daughter is out late , every hideous possibility clogs your mind . So , now , you must understand . I didn ’ t do this to hurt you . I love you very much . The most . My highest duty is to cushion you from worldly perils , even if they are out of my reach .
So , I sent someone to the party you went to . The gathering seemed cordial : it wasn ’ t one of those boisterous ones with fools fluttering about as if they were at a funfair . At least , so I heard . Anyway , there were boys . In fact , many ! Twentyeight in total . And you aligned yourself with that blonde one with a shrewdly angelic visage and a mane of excessive pride . You replaced the years of my fatherly love with the quick charm of some stranger . This scorched a sin in my heart Abigail ; it shackled my soul . There was nothing but deception in that fraudulent smile that you couldn ’ t possibly vet with your veiled eyes . For Christ ’ s sake , you are my puppet ! My doll ! It ’ s only been ten years since you were playing hide and seek with rosy cheeks , laughter echoing across the field .
On second thought , I believe you never truly loved me nor appreciated my gift of a renowned name . Not after you grew up anyway . You ’ ve always sought freedom as your sister did . To change , to find meaning , to no fruition . Me ? I sycophantically fulfilled my obligations to my mother till death did us part . But you resist my expectations so forcefully , so passionately as if to deny generations of power .