VERMONT Magazine Summer 23 | Page 46

Weston Craft Show
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Weston Craft Show


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villagegarage . com @ villagegaragedistillery 107 Depot Street , Bennington , VT
Held annually at the Weston Playhouse , the Weston Craft Show allows visitors to browse through a beautifully-curated assortment of artisan arts and crafts pieces in a gorgeous setting . The prestigious exhibition of contemporary Vermont crafts will be held from October 6-8 in 2023 , and is produced by the Weston Craft Show Committee . All proceeds go towards supporting Weston ’ s historic museums : the Farrar-Mansur House , the Old Mill Museum , and the Craft Building , which also house the Weston Historical Society ’ s collections .

Performing Arts


Weston is home to Kinhaven , the celebrated , residential , summer music camp . Kinhaven was Founded in 1952 by the groundbreaking music educators David and Dorothy Dushkin , who studied under the legendary composition teacher , Nadia Boulanger , in Paris in the 1920s . Today , Kinhaven offers programs and workshops in chamber music , orchestra , and piano for youth and adults . The nurturing and supportive nature of the program results in an environment that fosters true musical collaboration . A diverse community of mutually-supportive musicians lift each other up through the process of shared learning , enabling symbiotic creative growth throughout the artistic process . Kinhaven ’ s yearly Kinhaven Concert series is held in Weston , and the concerts are also streamed live through their “ Kinhaven Live !” online streaming platform . Throughout the summer numerous faculty and student concerts are held during the “ Senior ” and “ Junior ” sessions , both at the on-campus Concert Hall and at various other Southern Vermont locations .