comes to her work . Sometimes , she wears it on her head , as well . “ I went around for two years wearing a unicorn horn on my head as a social experiment . I believe that if we take ourselves a little less seriously and allow the playful attitude to flourish , we can reduce our worries and anxieties . I like to bring the fun and engage people .” She adds that just as play can help in early childhood emotional development , it can also help to navigate life ’ s later stages and mental adjustments . “ As we age , layers of social norms are put upon us . In order to peel back those layers of stress , we need to integrate more fun into our daily routine . I am incredibly fortunate that I have a job that gets to play a role in helping to inspire that .”
In line with that sentiment , the art kits and open-ended art supplies sold at The Collection serve as an ideal creative catalyst for play enthusiasts of all ages . In
Established in 1907
Love , Life and Community
Pure & Natural
• Maple Syrup & Candies
• Maple Cream
• Wedding Favors
• Granulated Maple Sugar
• Sugar House Tours
• Custom-made Gift Boxes
• Breakfast Sausage and Maple Smoked Bacon from Green Mountain Smokehouse
Centrally located near southern Vermont ski areas
Come stay with us as part of Harvest Host program !
Our sugar house is always open to the public and fun to visit during sugaring !
802-257-0163 robbfamilyfarm . com
822 Ames Hill Road , Brattleboro , VT