Varsity College Partners Oct. 2014 | Page 5

I N TE R NATI ONAL CO LLE G E O F H O T E L MA NAGE ME N T ( ICHM) Varsity College has collaborated with the ICHM in Adelaide, Australia, for many years. The ICHM was instrumental in the successful submission and accreditation of The IIE’s Bachelor of Business Administration (Hospitality Management) Degree and thus we are delighted to announce that they will also endorse this degree. The ICHM has endorsed that this qualification (in terms of academic delivery, development of industry skills and industry requirements) is of a similar academic standing to the Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) Degree delivered by ICHM. This endorsement will further ensure that the degree continues to maintain the international academic and professional standards The IIE and ICHM have established as benchmarking initiatives. This endorsement also means graduates of this programme may (after meeting certain conditions) enter the final year of ICHM’s Bachelor of International Hotel Management (Swiss Hotel Association) Degree presented at the ICHM, Adelaide, Australia. P UBLIC REL ATI O N S INSTITUTE OF SO U THE R N AF R ICA (P RI SA) Established in 1957, PRISA represents professionals in public relations and communication management throughout the Southern African region, and has registered practitioners in Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland and South Africa. PRISA endorses The IIE’s Diploma in Public Relations and Higher Certificate in Event Management.