Vapouround magazine Issue 25 | Page 100

N F E R H US ADVOCATE SPOTLIGHT: Kara Tibbetts Kara is a pro-vape advocate and activist from Rhode Island. In this article she explains why she believes it’s up to the US government to send the right message to smokers – that vaping is not the enemy. 96 VM25 F E AT U R E S It was vaping that led me to quit smoking cigarettes when I was 18 years old. I’d started smoking when I was 15 but when I found vaping I never looked back. I actually got a job at my local vape shop and that was my start in the industry, then I just started getting more heavily involved in it. I felt a real sense of passion when it came to vaping because I’d watched my mom almost die from fi ve different types of smoking-related cancers, so whenever I lit up I felt guilty thinking about her. Honestly, it’s hard for me to fi nd the words to explain how I feel about the situation in the US right now. This whole thing goes a lot deeper than vaping. It’s a blatant violation of our rights as American citizens and this is not what being an American is about; this is not what our country was founded upon. Our government has been blatantly lying to the public and it makes me sick that government bodies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can put out headlines lying to their citizens. They apologised but that’s not good