Vanderbilt Political Review Fall 2015 | Page 15

FALL 2015 the mental abuse can be equally destructive. Psychological counseling to change a person’s sexuality perpetuates the idea that homosexuality is intrinsically immoral. Survivors of conversion therapy, such as LGBT activist Sam Brinton, testify to the horrific mental trauma that follows them forever. The feelings of guilt, shame, humiliation, and failure that accompany the reification of these destructive claims more often than not lead to serious mental and emotional consequences. What’s more, after all this mental and physical suffering, the transformation therapists claim to bring about rarely, if ever, is actually achieved. DOMESTIC adults should be given written warnings before undergoing any treatment so they can begin this controversial therapy informed. Advertisements can be found nationwide for conversion therapy, that grossly ignore the potentially unfavorable outcomes. These therapy practices are abundant and easy to find, yet offer no warnings to patients about the trauma and depression that may follow, specifically for minors. It is time for national laws to be put in place ensuring patients and their loved ones are informed. Medical professionals have a moral and ethical obligation to advise patients to do what will be best for their asserts conversion therapy is a violation of human rights and recommends it should be banned worldwide. As an international organization that strives to protect human rights, the United Nations appropriately felt conversion therapy was detrimental enough to advocate for on multiple occasions. The United State’s current administration under President Barrack Obama announced their support of the banning of conversion therapy after the death of a transgender teen, Leelah Alcorn. Alcorn’s tragic suicide made front pages after she made it clear that the cause of her depression was the conversion therapy her parents forced her Despite what advocates for conversion therapy claim, the practice is decidedly unsafe for those involved. The therapy has no scientific claim whatsoever nor does it have any legitimate benefits for patients. Nowhere does credible scientific evidence exist that supports the possibility of altering a person’s sexuality. Despite the efforts of conversion therapists, sexuality has not been successfully manipulated. Many former leaders in conversion therapy have admitted their failure to alter anybody’s sexuality. The inability to convert an individual from homosexual to heterosexual reinforces the conclusion that sexuality is inherent and not a choice. Due to the combination of its proven detrimental effects and its ultimate ineffectiveness, conversion therapy on minors should be made illegal on a national level. Minors are too vulnerable and easily impacted by traumatic experiences to be subjected to reparative therapy. The likelihood of depre