procedures and instructions , resource estimation and determination , asset life cycle processes , intended measures , expected results , definition of risk management measures , and so on . At this stage , another very important document called the Asset Management Plan ( AMP ) document is prepared in accordance with the SAMP document , and presented at the organisation level . This document determines the organisation ’ s long-term plans ( at least five years ) for asset management and defines them . They also include short-term annual plans . 4 : Support : After preparing the AMP and identifying the required resources , the organisation must determine and provide the necessary resources to create , operate and maintain an asset management system . It must also determine and apply the necessary competencies for the implementation and deployment of the system , and also adequately inform all organisations about the expected goals , practices , actions and results . The necessary information should be collected in the organisation and made available to authorised users in a suitable context . Internal and external journals can be a good place to report progress and achieve results . Using appropriate IT technologies and software for the asset management system is a high priority . 5 : Operations : After preparing the AMP and planning , supporting and providing the necessary resources , the next step is to start system implantation . These activities will be based on the program and goals of the organisation in various fields and will be implemented in the form of several projects . Other issues will be addressed at the same time as the asset management processes such as change management and outsourcing activities . Implementation is the first executive part of an asset management system and is usually the most costly part . 6 : Performance evaluation : Simultaneously with the start of executive actions , performance evaluation also begins . Its purpose is to take care of the organisation ’ s goals and verify the actions to achieve them . These evaluations can be done in the form of an internal and even external audit . It is important to ensure that the company is going in the right direction internally and externally ; if necessary , corrective actions with the necessary revisions should be taken . 7 : Continuous improvement : If SAMP and AMP are well-organized within an organisation , there may be less need for improvement . But in practice this is not the case . Recognising needs and setting goals , policies and planning , support and implementation are always prone to error and therefore need to be re-examined and revised after a complete cycle from design to audit . And these reviews and corrections should be continuous .
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To be continued ...
Mr . Sardroudi is planning seven articles about asset management of valves , as follows : 1 : Introduction and overview 2 : Requirements of an asset management system for valves 3 : Asset management plan for the manufacture of valves 4 : Asset management plan for engineering , design and installation 5 : Asset management plan for valves during operation 6 : Asset management plan for decommissioning valves 7 : Valve asset management assessment and auditing
www . valve-world . net www . boehmer . de