In part 1 of his column , Mr . Alireza Aslarabi Sardroudi outlined the issue of asset management in the field of industrial valves , and how asset management covers the entire life cycle of valves .
For part 2 , Mr . Sardoudri discusses the main requirements to ensure that the asset management cycle will properly function and evolve .
About the author
Mr . Alireza Aslarabi Sardroudi is an expert In physical asset management . Based in Tehran , Iran , Mr . Sardroudi can be reached at : aslearabi @ yahoo . com
Asset management of industrial valves
Part 2 : Requirements of an AM system
E ach company in the field of industrial valves should first implement an asset management system in its own organisation . With the asset management system in place , the company can then follow the principles defined in that system to implement the requirements for its valve products . This applies across the board , including to organisations active in the design and construction of valves , valve selection and use in projects , operators , maintenance and repair companies , and even companies active in the field of disposal and scrapping . What , however , are the requirements of an asset system ? Let us start by directly reviewing the asset management system . ISO 55001 has been prepared for this purpose . ISO 55001 is an asset management system standard that primarily aims to help organisations more effectively manage their asset life cycle . By implementing ISO 55001 , organisations will have better control over day-to-day operations , boast high performance and a high degree of efficiency regarding their assets , and reduce total costs and risks . This standard can be applied within all organisational structures and to all types of assets . Noticeable results include increased effectiveness with a significant reduction in risks and unit cost per unit product . The framework also supports continuous performance improvement and provides continued improvements for organisations of each industry . The requirements of an asset management system according to ISO 55001 include seven issues that must be considered for the valve industry . These seven issues are the general framework and skeleton of asset management , and the requirements therein must be observed in all stages of design and construction , installation and commissioning , operation and maintenance , and removal . 1 : Organisational context : The most important part of an asset management system defines the organisation and its business environment . The asset management system will work properly when the context of the organisation is properly visualised . Obviously , a company that designs and manufactures valves is not the same as a company that repairs valves , so the requirements of an asset management system will differ . So , in this section we have to define the business framework , the needs of the organisation and the stakeholders , the scope of an effective asset management system and the framework of an asset management system . Within this section , companies will likely adjust the asset management system to fit their specific structure to establish an asset management system . In other words , differences and similarities in industry stakeholders , even at this stage , are examined and the templates are separated . We will cover this issue well in future issues of this journal . 2 : Leadership : This section requires us to obtain the commitment of managers to determine an appropriate direction and within that to ensure its proper connection to the business issues of the organisation , to make the necessary resources available , and to provide proper information at the organisation level . Other components include updating stakeholders on the achievement of the expected results , leading teams involved in asset management activities , and continuously improving policies , strategies , and activities in terms of present and future risks . Therefore , for activities in various industrial fields , we must first prepare a directive that aligns with the goals of the organisation . For example , the policy for design and construction activities must match with the objectives and results expected in this sector to be able to manage assets . For the organisation , in addition to preparing an appropriate policy , the senior management should determine and formalise the necessary roles , responsibilities and competencies for managers and experts . At this stage , after formulating the policy , the organisation prepares and publishes the Strategic Asset Management Plan ( SAMP ). This essential document contains the goals and all policies and strategies to achieve them . In the next issues , general policy preparation and appropriate SAMP for different companies active in the field of industrial valves will be presented . 3 : Planning : After the commitment of managers to the requirements of asset management , according to the threats , opportunities , weaknesses and strengths of the organisation regarding assets , the expected goals are determined , and a strategy to achieve the expected results is planned . The pillars of this planning are
34 Valve World November 2022 www . valve-world . net