8 Cover story Combet Valves : great solutions come in small packages
With their unique compact valves , Combet Valves is ready to take the industry by storm . The young company has surpassed initial expectations , despite only dipping its toes in the vast market . Valve World spoke with Matthieu Smit and Benjie Terrebonne at their facility in Houten , the Netherlands .
12 Project report Food waste and wastewater sludge co-digestion facility to be built
Monterey One Water ’ s Regional Treatment Plant in Marina , California , has contracted with Anaergia to complete a project that returns an anaerobic digester to service and provide digestion tank mixing technology .
14 Column Control valve Q & A
Control valve specialist Jon Monson answers questions and offers advice .
16 Bioenergy Bioenergy : an important and growing industry
Biomass is an important , if controversial , source of energy , which first rose to prominence in ethanol facilities and has been growing ever since . The industry makes perfect sense as part of the circular economy and provides plentiful opportunities for the valve industry .
22 Severe service Managing wear in severe services
Materials such as ceramic reinforced metals can be a good solution to increase component lifetimes in industries such as oil and gas , says Valmet ’ s Mr Jussi Hellman .
25 Pulse valves Revolutionary oxygen impulse technology for steel production
The sequence impulse process developed by thyssenkrupp AT . PRO tec GmbH has long been used on cupola furnaces to increase cost-effectiveness .
28 Innovation Don ’ t be a victim of disruptive innovation
Disruptive innovations can create havoc in a market ; be prepared by exploring creativity when things are going well to discover your own innovative solutions .
32 Severe service Failure of verification methods for hydrofluoric acid alkylation plug valves
After shrinkage was identified in a high-nickel-alloy body after a change in gating pattern , it was clear that the wellestablished , industry standard RT angles were unable to adequately show all casting defects .
35 Editor ’ s choice New valve range for the beverage industry
The Parker Technopolymer valve range for the beverage dispenser industry offers the quickest installation and maintenance through a zero-tooling concept .
37 Emission control The detection of valve condition by gyro sensors
Problems such as malfunctioning valves or internal leaks in a plant can have a significant impact on the plant and sometimes result in significant losses . To prevent such problems , Kitz developed solutions that can detect valve condition by gyro sensors .
41 Control valves The advantages of highpressure recovery control valves
Widely applied and appreciated in gas turbine use , high-pressure recovery control valves have however yet to make any real inroads in other applications . In his latest article , control valve expert Hans Baumann explains the function , test results , and advantages of this valve concept which , he believes , could be of real benefit in other industrial sectors .
4 Valve World August 2023 www . valve-world . net