Valve World Magazine April 2023 | Page 9

Retired Global Technical Director Jose Veiga ( right ), and current Global Technical Director Carlos Girao , have helped TEADIT become an industry leader in advancing sealing technologies . π www . valve-world . net Valve World April 2023
Cover Story
Teadit Group is recognized worldwide as a leader in the development and manufacturing of innovative products for critical fluid sealing processes . The wide variety of sealing solutions developed by Teadit have been important tools for many industries , including oil & gas , chemical processing , and power generation . Teadit has helped several industries achieve the goal of an emission-free environment within their facilities . It is constantly investing in research and development to keep up with the evolution of the industry ’ s needs . Teadit North America is located in Houston , Texas with seven worldwide locations in South America , Europe , and Asia . The variety of sealing solutions developed by Teadit is fundamental to achieving the leakage-free goal in the many industries served . The quality and effectiveness of these solutions are based on management and innovation , which are the basis for all products manufactured at any Teadit plant . As a result of this continuous process of quality improvement , an ISO 9001 certification was obtained in Brazil , the United States , and Europe . The 64-year history of Teadit began in Rio de Janeiro and has led to more than twenty patents on products and process . Their corporate values of integrity , reliability , safety , and being customer-focused all culminate in their vision statement : Sealing For A Safer And Greener Tomorrow .
Addressing pain points
As a company , TEADIT has long been an industry leader in advancing sealing technologies . Under the leadership of Global CEO Marcello Cattaneo Adorno , retired Global Technical Director Jose Veiga , and current Global Technical Director Carlos Girao , the company ’ s work with technologies like spiral wound gaskets and mechanical packing have raised the bar on sealing performance . The global community has embraced the need to reduce fugitive emissions , and countries and companies are looking for solutions ; TEADIT has responded with new and better low-leak technologies . While the spiral wound gasket and packing advancements have been huge steps forward in the industry , as is typically the case , the wheels of change turn slowly , and this was the challenge facing TEADIT ; “ We know we have high-quality products that meet the needs of our customers , we know we can eliminate leaks and reduce emissions , but how do we take those products to market ? How do we connect our solutions with the ongoing pain points ?” commented Day . Product advancements are commonly met with two big questions : ( 1 ) Are these changes going to cost more ? and ( 2 ) Are the industry experts charged with procuring and implementing these changes even aware of the advancements ?
Advancing the sealing industry
As Day drew on his experience and surveyed the industrial landscape , he recognized that , typically , industrial manufacturing facilities and organizations have a small group of personnel with the power to make the ‘ big ’ decisions . Those in charge of procurement and maintenance operations generally operate independently from environmental departments . As such , their goals and decisions tend to be focused on areas other than long-term environmental compliance solutions , which can be a huge obstacle to companies as they seek to reduce their carbon footprint . It is not that these other departments do not care about the environment or want to make environmental compliance more difficult ; they are simply driven by different agendas . Maintenance needs to keep the facility operating so that it can remain profitable . Procurement is focused on buying necessary items at the lowest possible costs . A better-performing product might be outside of the site ’ s current engineering specification or maintenance budget . These are legitimate roadblocks to the implementation of new technologies and eliminating them requires input

Retired Global Technical Director Jose Veiga ( right ), and current Global Technical Director Carlos Girao , have helped TEADIT become an industry leader in advancing sealing technologies . π www . valve-world . net Valve World April 2023