Valve World Americas September 2023 | Page 21


Projects Across North America

The Origins project in Central Alberta is a cost-efficient CO 2 sequestration hub contributing to Alberta ’ s target of reaching net zero emissions by 2050 . The Origins project is estimated to capture , transport , and permanently sequester 20 million tonnes of CO 2 per year . This project is anticipated to be one of the largest CCS initiatives , worldwide . 3


From consuming food and using transportation to warming homes with heating and the use of electricity contributes to the carbon footprint . Oil and gas are fundamental for many things that people consume daily , and it goes without saying that industry , and its consumers , contribute to many of the carbon emissions that are currently impacting the atmosphere . There has been a global push towards implementing practices and incentives to achieve net zero carbon emissions in processes across the sector . Companies have been incorporating innovative strategies into existing processes to prevent the release of emissions in addition to enhancing these practices through new technologies that identify and mitigate fugitive emissions . Governments from all around the world have been working towards creating infrastructure and funding projects that aid in the permanent capture and storage of carbon emissions . Capturing carbon emissions , transporting them , and then storing emissions deep underground in impermeable layers of rock has proven to be a feasible solution ; carbon capture projects typically target 90 % efficiency , bringing the industry closer to its goal of being emission-free . Carbon Capture , Storage and Sequestration ( CCS ) projects are effective at extracting and relocating these emissions and ensure that the world can continue to consume these resources without continuing to contribute the same number of emissions to the overall global carbon footprint . Currently , there are nearly 43 CCS systems that are functioning globally and many more are in the early stages of construction . Industry professionals are working diligently to mitigate this challenge and are hoping to create solutions that can be implemented in the long term .
This carbon capture facility can capacitate 6-7 million metric tonnes of carbon a year . The LaBarge Facility in Wyoming is currently planning to enhance this capture rate to 1 million more metric tonnes a year , starting in 2025 . The LaBarge is a hub for helium and liquified gas production . The facility is said to have captured more carbon dioxide than any industrial facility in the world . 6
1 . https :// enhanceenergy . com / actl /
2 . chrome-extension :// efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj / https :// s202 . q4cdn . com / 682408967 / files / doc _ downloads / CTV- Infographic-Final . pdf
3 . https :// www . originsccs . com / about-the-origins-project /
4 . https :// www . chevron . com / newsroom / 2023 / q1 / bayou-bend-expands-carbon-capture-project-to-onshore-southeasttexas
5 . https :// corporate . exxonmobil . com / what-we-do / delivering-industrial-solutions / carbon-capture-and-storage / ccs-inaction #:~: text = ExxonMobil % 27s % 20LaBarge % 20facility % 20can % 20capture , a % 20year % 2C % 20starting % 20in % 202025 .
6 . https :// corporate . exxonmobil . com / what-we-do / delivering-industrial-solutions / carbon-capture-and-storage / labargecarbon-capture-facility-wyoming www . valve-world-americas . net • September 2023 | Valve World Americas 21