Valve World Americas September 2023 | Page 19

Doing it Right : Maintaining Relationships with End Users


An Interview with Bobby Berthelot , North American Sales Manager , FBV Inc .

The relationship between a manufacturer and an end user is crucial for the success of both parties . In an industrial world that continues to change with the surrounding atmosphere , it is important to foster and maintain those crucial connections .
Valve World Americas had the pleasure of speaking with Bobby Berthelot , North American Sales Manager at FBV Inc , about the importance of maintaining relationships , providing adaptable solutions in an ever-changing industry , and doing things the right way .
By Charlie Evans & Angelica Pajkovic
Beginning his career 40 years ago , Bobby Berthelot carries a wealth of knowledge about the valve industry . “ I started out repairing valves with a few major repair companies , and then 14 years ago , I started at FBV ,” Berthelot explained . “ Now I am the North American Sales Manager .”
“ I was introduced to the industry by my father-in-law . Valves have been in my blood from the beginning and stayed there ,” chuckled Berthelot . “ Since joining FBV , I have watched the company grow from a small Chinese manufacturer to a larger company with a successful foothold in the United States .” Berthelot relocated from Louisiana to Houston , Texas in 2009 and has remained there working for the company ever since .
Defining the End User Relationship
Providing viable solutions to customers is an ongoing goal for Berthelot . To do so , a basis of trust is established between the two parties . “ Relationships are a big part of what I love in my job . As salespeople , we want to define connections with end users and make them feel comfortable in asking for what they really desire in a solution . Trust is fundamental in making those working relationships a success ,” he relayed .
“ If end users have any questions about specifications or an aspect of the offered service or product , manufacturers need to be able to help out with any difficulties ,” said Berthelot . “ This could include range from troubleshooting application issues , to providing training and further tools to aid in understanding the assets and how best to use it . This is something I really began to learn when initially working in sales and looking at it from a new perspective , as opposed to someone who was working directly with the valves .”
The product goes a long way in terms of how customers feel about and view a company . “ It becomes more and more difficult to maneuver and get to where you want to be with approvals for products , due to changing regulations and requirements , as the industry itself has changed so drastically .” This involves the varying specifications , valves , designs , and other tweaks that the industry has made over time to keep up with the changing industrial climate . “ The key is to offer a good , quality product and evolve from there .”
Navigating a Changing Industry
Adapting products to meet industry needs is crucial to staying relevant . “ I would advise anyone in the valve industry to make sure they are abreast with the market ’ s most current demands . For example , there has recently been a push for more cryogenic applications , so we adapted and brought in a cryogenic valve line ,” stated Berthelot .
“ As the industry has become so competitive in recent years , it has become increasingly difficult to maneuver and get to where you want to be with approvals and distributors ,” he continued . “ You want to get to the point where you are successful , and things actually get done and accomplished .” Having a quality product goes a long way in ensuring a company ’ s success and how customers feel about a company in general .
To maintain relevance , both large and small companies must adapt to the situation and look at the changes in mentality . The industry will continue to grow and change as the years pass . “ Lower emissions and air quality has become a prevalent focus in our industry , and our adaptability to these new requirements must be reflected in the evolution of our products ,” said Berthelot .
Joining the Industry
“ All other matters aside , doing things right is what matters in our industry , and to me personally ,” stated Berthelot . Investing time and money to become a relevant player and introducing a quality product is crucial for valve companies who want to make a name for themselves . “ That is how a company becomes great , and how one can be proud of what we do on a day-to-day basis .”
When asked about the future of the industry , Berthelot thinks it is headed in a very positive direction . “ Valves facilitate the creation of so many necessary products and chemicals , and I believe we are getting better and better at advancing their technology . I think they are evolving in the right direction for our planet and our people .”
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Bobby Berthelot .
“ Over the past 40 years , I have seen the industry change as a whole , whether it be the needs of the world or the needs of the customer ,” he explained . “ To anyone joining the industry , I suggest asserting yourself in the industry , being aware of the path being taken , and making sure that you do things the right way ,” he concluded .

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www . valve-world-americas . net • September 2023 | Valve World Americas 19