Electric Dump Valve Helps Oil and Gas Company Comply with State Emissions Regulations
With oil and gas producers taking care to meet various environmental requirements , many are turning to dump valves as a source of unwanted emissions . Understanding how to effectively mitigate the negative consequences of a valve leak , and implement a viable solution is , therefore , essential to ensure that the plant operates as efficiently as possible .
By Justin Valdez , Senior District Sales Manager – Emerson
These traditionally pneumatic components , which control the discharge of liquids from separators and other production vessels , rely on well gas , compressed air , or nitrogen to pilot the valve , resulting in a multitude of different emissions-related concerns that are harmful to the environment and create compliance issues .
Overcoming this challenge , all-electric solenoid dump valves remove the need to vent well gas into the atmosphere . Because there is no valve packing , they are also fugitive emissions-free by design , offering a true zero-emissions solution . As a result , these devices play a critical role in helping oil and gas producers better comply with tightening regulations . A testament to their environmentally friendly implementation , one Coloradobased oil and gas producer recently deployed electric dump valves as part of its broader efforts to comply with state emissions guidelines .
Not only have these valves facilitated compliance , but they have also unlocked several additional benefits , including less maintenance , greater well efficiency , and increased production .
Implementing the Electric Dump Valve on Upstream Separators
Laramie Energy is a Denver-based company that focuses on developing unconventional oil and gas reserves within the U . S . Rockies , operating roughly 1500 wells . Its geographic focus is the Piceance Bay , which accounts for 20 % of all Rockies gas production and is the second largest natural gas resource basin in the U . S .
Once Colorado began rolling out new emissions guidelines , the company knew it had to look for ways to reduce the amount of methane that bled from its devices . The company opted to electrify the damp valves to meet compliance on its separators . Separators are pressure vessels that separate well streams into their gaseous and liquid constituents . “ As the liquid is separated from the gas , the fluid builds in the separator until it hits a certain level , raising the level arm on the controller ,” said Lane Kizer , Automation Coordinator for Laramie Energy . “ When this happens , the system activates the solenoid valve , causing the valve to open and ‘ dump ’ the liquid into the storage tanks .”
In tandem with the level controller , Lamarie Energy implemented ASCO™ allelectric solenoid dump valves to install on the separators . Unlike pneumatic valves , which are piloted by natural gas , this valve does not need to perform venting to actuate . Unlike traditional stem valves , it does not require valve packing , eliminating the chance that methane could leak out .
Unlocking Productivity , Maintenance , and Cost Benefits
According to Kizer , since deploying the all-electric solenoid dump valves in its separators , the company has seen many benefits . These include :
• Less Maintenance : Kizer says the valve components require much less maintenance . “ Unlike the old-style pneumatic valves , our field operators do not have to constantly adjust
www . valve-world-americas . net • October 2024 | Valve World Americas 19