Valve World Americas April 2024 | Page 10


Pursuing the Market for Gas Turbine Valves

The world ’ s natural gas use is increasing at 2 % per year largely due to expansions in LNG production . Valve sales for gas turbine systems are slated to grow at 4 % per year due to the continuing replacement of coal and the prevalence of combined cycle systems .
By Robert McIlvaine , President & Founder – The McIlvaine Company
Gas turbines provide electricity and steam for electricity-generating plants , but also for oil rigs on floating platforms and food processing plants which create the biogas used by the turbines . Recent developments relative to fuels promise to accelerate growth . Gas turbines are now operating with 25 % hydrogen and are being adapted to use 100 % hydrogen . The advantage is the elimination of any discharges of CO 2
To eliminate the expense of shipping hydrogen long distances , ammonia is created and then converted to hydrogen at the turbine location . Also , ammonia can be combusted directly .
Another development is the sequestration of the CO 2 formed during combustion . This makes the gas turbine process carbon neutral . In the case of food or other biomass waste from an energy plant , the turbine becomes carbon negative if the CO 2 is sequestered .
All these developments require special valve designs . Valve manufacturers need to understand the ramifications of these process developments along with other increasingly popular options such as using treated municipal wastewater effluent for cooling and other purposes .
The value added by the valve manufacturer varies with the service .
The processes using valves can be segmented into the turbine combustion system , steam cycle , water and wastewater use , and air pollution control . The high temperature plus the criticality of valves in maintaining safety and performance result in 30 % of the valves warranting a higher price due to the added value .
The valve suppliers also must understand the operator , hardware supplier , and consultant structure .
Most new valve purchases are replacements .
The largest turbine suppliers also provide O & M services which include valve supply .
Valves can cause fugitive emissions . Suppliers must understand some strange environmental rules . For example , a turbine operating in a non-attainment zone in Southern California must discharge air cleaner than the intake .
There are millions of useful facts and factors needed to guide valve manufacturers . This task is overwhelming and absent a systematic approach .
A systematic approach has been made available in the form of a knowledge orchard . First , one must locate each tree . Then one must locate the right branches , and finally , locate the low-hanging fruit .
Valve requirements are shaped by the decisions relative to all the main components .
The dependence of one component on another is illustrated by the combustion of hydrogen . NOx levels are increased , and selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) is likely to be required . A number of valves are needed for reagents used in the catalytic reactor .
The advantage of organizing all the knowledge requirements as an orchard is the pollination from tree to tree .
10 Valve World Americas | April 2024 • www . valve-world-americas . net