Vagabond Multilingual Journal Spring 2005 | Page 17
love imperfecto con trago de tequila, fast smooth quick and painless, llegaré a tu puerta, half dazed half drunk half buzzed half baboso y pendejo, sacando mi guitarra solitaria, cantando serenata, y como chele gringo con salsa y merengue medio tonto tocaré las cuerdas all fucked up. with cracking voice, medio gato medio kermit te samplo chente billy willy shakespeare, ll cool j’s i need love, y un poco de stevie b cuz i love you. embarrassed, the windows will be shut. y aún, under the moonlight me saldrán los versos, como blurred spanglish silhouettes, stagnant where 101 meets the 405, y como estrellas que se pierden en el smog que nunca tocan el suelo. y te cantaré, y te bailaré, y te bailaré la canción como medio cantin?as y medio elaine sein?eld hasta que habras las ventana como reina, ó que llegue la chota treating me like a king. y lo haré, lo haré, pero después de otro gin and tonic.
imperfect love with a shot of tequila, fast smooth quick and painless, i will come to your door, half dazed half drunk half buzzed half dumb ass and stupid , taking out my lonely guitar, singing serenade, and like a white guy with salsa and merengue half dumb i will play the chords all fucked up. with cracking voice, half cat half kermit i sample you vicente fernandez billy willy shakespeare, ll cool j’s i need love, and a little bit of stevie b cuz i love you. embarrassed, the windows will be shut. and even then, under the moonlight the lyrics will come out, like blurred spanglish silhouettes, stagnant where 101 meets the 405, and like stars that get lost in the smog that never touch the ?oor. and i will sing you, and i will dance you, and i will dance you the song like half cantin?as and half elaine sein?eld until you open the windows like a queen, or the cops arrive treating me like a king. and i will, i will, but after another gin and tonic. Harold Terezón
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